Dental Extractions & Preservation
Our goal is to help you keep your teeth healthy for a lifetime. In some cases, though, the best solution is to remove a tooth. If you have wisdom teeth, an extra tooth, or if your teeth are crowded, we may recommend an extraction. Removal is also an option for teeth that are cracked or significantly decayed, or in cases where bone structure is inadequate.
Dental Extractions
Sometimes, the best care option involves removing teeth. If removal is the best treatment option, our team will work with you to create a plan that minimizes anxiety and maximizes the best outcome for your oral health.
Oral Surgery
Some dental issues are best treated with minor oral surgery. For example, surgery is a good option for repairing bone defects or compromised gums. It may be necessary for us to perform a biopsy to investigate changes to the tissues in your mouth.
Your Comfort is Priority
We’ll design a treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs. While no one looks forward to dental extraction, we’ll use our professional expertise to ensure that the treatment proposed is safe.
Root Canals
Modern procedures have made root canals nearly as routine as many other dental treatments. The root canal procedure safely replaces infected portions of the tooth with a sealer that ensures the tooth does not become reinfected. Because the nerves in the tooth are removed, the tooth will no longer cause pain.
Bone Grafting
The bone surrounding your teeth is unique and your body cannot regenerate it when bone loss occurs. Since your teeth need this bony foundation to remain stable and function optimally, even minor instances of bone loss can affect the functionality of a tooth. In many cases, we can address these issues by adding a dental bone graft.